Jitterblog 10 Nov 2006 Swingin’ a Star with the Prairie Cats Here's a link to the flyer for Swingin' a Star:http://www.prairiecats.com/SAS_2006.jpgand here's a link to the Prairie Cats gig page.http://www.prairiecats.com/gigs.html billy
Jitterblog 10 Nov 2006 Andrew Sutton in Kansas City This Weekend I just got this e-mail from Andrew Sutton today:Hey Missouri, Iowa, and Omaha dancers!I just arrived to Kansas City and… billy
Jitterblog 10 Nov 2006 New Classes Starting This Week! Friday 11/10 - 7pm Tricks Workshop with Christy and Nate - Eagles ($15, includes admission to JNO)Saturday 11/11 - 1pm… billy